Project: “Facilitation of rural communities to rehabilitate their social infrastructures such as schools and kindergartens”

Project: “Facilitation of rural communities to rehabilitate their social infrastructures such as schools and kindergartens”

Project: “Facilitation of rural communities to rehabilitate their social infrastructures such as schools and kindergartens”

Period: 2006 – 2016

Solicitant: A.O. „Pro Cooperare Regională

Financer: HEKS-EPER Swiss Foundation

Project objectives:   

O1 – Improved access and use of rehabilitated and up-graded rural school and kindergarten infrastructure;

O2 – Built new and strengthened existing local capacity for collaboration of local NGOs and local authorities;

O3 – Enhanced professional knowledge of teachers and school managers.

Project results:

  • 11235 children from 82 communities benefited from better education conditions;
  • 16 project proposals to other donors developed and applied by partner NGOs;
  • 231 school managers followed the training courses in educational management;
  • 87 teachers participated in study visits.

State:    Finalized

Project budget:   878.988,00 USD
