Project: „Rapid and flexible assistance to address the emergency needs of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova”

Project: „Rapid and flexible assistance to address the emergency needs of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova”

Project: „Rapid and flexible assistance to address the emergency needs of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova”

Project duration: 9 January – 31 March 2023

Overall objective: To provide essential humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

Specific objective 1: Meeting the emergency humanitarian needs of the refugees from North region of Moldova by providing non-food items, and food products.

Specific objective 2: Provision of technical support to state authorities and institutions running refugee support facilities in North region of Moldova.

Specific objective 3: Promotion of social inclusion and access to social and economic support systems of the refugees.

Expected outputs:

Output 1: immediate emergency assistance provided and access to basic goods and services ensured.

Indicators: 500 refugees and host families receive support in form of vouchers for non-food items hygiene kits, and food products; 15 representatives of CSOs capacitated.

Output 2: emergency preparedness and resilient recovery capacity at local and regional level increased.

Indicators: 20 representatives of LPAs, local service providers, community and volunteer groups capacitated; at least 5 LPAs and 5 refugee placement centers are supported with relevant equipment.

Output 3: cohesion among refugees and members of host communities enhanced, social and economic integration of vulnerable groups realised.

Indicators: 100 children and young people benefit of extra-curricular activities, language classes and psychosocial care; 50 refugee benefit of counseling services.
